Calcium Bisgiycinate Premix

Calcium Bisgiycinate

As the leading, most abundant mineral in the body, calcium is probably most famous for its role in building and maintaining healthy bones and teeth.
It also sets the scene for muscle contractions and nerve function and acts in several other enzymatic reactions in the body, like maintaining a regular heartbeat and blood clotting.

Calcium deficient is quite common, symptoms that indicate a lack of calcium like bone loss, weakening and osteoporosis are silent but debilitating. Others like muscle cramps, heart palpitations, tooth decay, back and leg pain, insomnia, nervous disorders, and rickets (in children)

Calcium bisglycinate is one Calcium atom attached to two glycine molecules to give a high bioavailability with less interaction with other nutrients. It demonstrates to be easier on the gastrointestinal tract. The calcium atom (Ca 2+) on its own is a highly reactive metal. It is always bound to other atoms to form one of the many diverse types of magnesium supplements.

Organic mineral amino acid chelates have been scientifically proven to be more easily absorbed into the human body and to cause less gastric upset than inorganic minerals. Part of the reason for this higher tolerance and bioavailability is that chelated minerals are absorbed intact and will then break apart in the intestinal cell for transport.

Honson Syne-mixTM calcium bisglycinate premix provides less dietary interaction means greater absorption and increased bioavailability. We also offer products that are uniquely formulated for multiple nutrition applications.

Health Benefits

  • Restful sleep
  • Health mood
  • Heart Health
  • Colon health
  • Bones density
  • Weight management
  • Blood pressure

Honson Syne-mixTM premixes are available in capsule, powder and many dosages form.

Discuss with our specialist for more details

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